Maria Skołożyńska Edwards aka SKOŁO ART

Hiya, my name is Maria. I'm a Brighton-based, Polish artist, therapist and educator. I am disabled, fat, queer, I have ADHD and I’m highly sensitive.

I try to be as Antiracist, Antiablist & Anticapitalist as possible (whilst being able to pay my bills).

I would really like to become an artist and a therapist who can do just those two jobs and and spend the rest of my time playing board games with my partner(s), doing zoomies with animals, rescuing caged hens, setting up a farm animal rescue centre, doing slow and mindful gentle yoga and hug trees but life costs money so I am trying to become *financially independent* which is very hard.

I wish I wanted to be an instagram influencer, because maybe then I’d like to post on my socials. I don’t post often and I don’t know how to crack the system but for what it’s worth my socials are: instagram and tiktok.

In my art life I paint expressionist, often playfulism-focused abstract pieces. I prefer canvas over card. Acrylics over oil and mixed media over single-media :)

In my design life, I make minimalist posters and greeting cards. I also make silly stickers which are available at my arts and crafts markets in the Brighton & Hove area.

In my education life, I work with young people who are (for any reason) unable to access education. (I work as an assistant regional lead at Nudge Education).

In my counselling life, I run my small therapy place called Gentle Growth which is a queer- and neuro-affirmative therapy service for all* (but especially those who normally can't feel like they belong in a 'regular' or 'normie' therapeutic space).

I'm all about belonging, vulnerability and courage.

Reach out at if you wanna say hi :)